lv en
2009-06-29 19:00:24

For the third time will happen tournament "Latvian Open 2009" from 21st until 23rd of August in Koceni and Valmiera, Latvia. The tournament has become a largest summer event in floorball in Latvia. 

"Latvian Open 2009" is also one of the most important preparing events for Latvian Floorball championship which will start in few weeks after the tournamnet. Also a lot of foreigner teams are interested to compare strenghts with Latvian teams.

Like in previous years tournament will be in 2 categories - men and women. Novelty for this year is a category - veterans. 

Looking back in history the winning team in category men so far are CelTik/Lekrings from CÄ“sis, Latvia. In category women the first title went to Sweden (Sala Silverstaden). In next year best team was Valmiera/Vinda from Latvia.

Last year participants were form countries like Sweden, Russia, Estonia and Poland. For this year we will wait participants from even more countries.

Tournament are recognized from Latvian Floorball Union.


looti...loti žēl,ka godalgotaam vietaam netika dotas
medaļas... :((((
daliibnieki @ 25.08.2009 - 13:06

tiešām prieks! vienīgi ilgi klusēja par šo
pasākumu. un apstākļi jau tur labi,lai ko labu
uztaisītu. ceram ,lai ne tik tie somi atbrauc,bet vēl
kāda laba komanda.veiksmi!
nūja @ 30.06.2009 - 23:23

prieks,ka notiks šis turnīrs!ceru,ka atsaucība no
komandām būs pietiekama,lai norisinātos tikpat
aizraujošs turnīrs kā iepriekšējos gados!lai
earth @ 30.06.2009 - 11:55

latvianopen atbalsts 2009 valmiera kocēni voc ksk puma precisionfloorball jaunā saule multiklubs

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