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2009-09-19 12:43:10 | comments (0)

Here you can read some of the feedbacks in dfferent languages from this years participants.

2009-09-14 23:20:25 | comments (0)

The fourth summer floorball tournament LATVIAN OPEN 2010 will be held in Valmiera (Vidzemes olympic centre) and Koceni from 20th - 22nd of August!

Get ready for the challange! 

2009-09-14 23:16:57 | comments (0)

From 11.-13. of September in Valmiera, Vidzemes olympic centre (the same arena as for Latvian Open) a 4 nations tournament was played. World floorball superstars as Tero Tiitu, Juha Kivilehto, Esa Jussila, Matthias and Christoph Hofbauer, Emanuel Antener, Ketil Kronberg was only a little part of the guests here in Valmiera.

2009-08-23 21:22:34 | comments (7)

3rd international floorball tournament Latvian Open 2009 champions are LINO.LV (men) and RUBENE (women)! Congratulations!

2009-08-22 21:00:14 | comments (2)

Due to the technical problems, some group tables under "RESULTS" are not correct. Here are the right standings.

2009-08-19 23:24:35 | comments (1)

During free time between tournaments games all Latvian Open 2009 participants are invited to get to know Valmiera region and to be on a visit at newly opened Valmiermuizas brewery (2 Dzirnavu street, Valmiermuiza).

2009-08-17 23:58:51 | comments (4)

This years Latvian Open 2009 party will take place in most famous club in Valmiera - "Multiklubs" (Skolas iela (street) 5). The party will be on Saturday and all Latvian Open participants will need to pay only a half entrance fee.

2009-08-17 21:17:29 | comments (9)

Under "Results" you will find all Latvian Open 2009 groups. Game schedule on webpage coming very very soon. If you will get the game schedule faster, send your request to email See you in Valmiera & Kocēni!

2009-08-16 19:29:14 | comments (2)

In first group Rigas Lauvas, Valmiera/Vinda, Saku Fortuna, UKS Grodek and Latvia U-17 will face eache other, in second will meet Rubene, RSU, University of Tartu, Poland U-18 and Ķekava. Men groups and game schedule for men and women coming soon...

2009-08-13 22:43:40 | comments (1)

Friday, 14th of August is the last day to register your team for LATVIAN OPEN 2009. Women group is already complete, we are still waiting only for two men teams! Take the challange and be a part of LATVIAN OPEN 2009!

2009-08-13 22:36:37 | comments (2)

We know already Latvian Open friends TAIFUN from St. Peterburg very well. This year, we will have another two teams from the historical russian city - URAGAN and VOENMEH. VOENMEH is playing in russian elite, URAGAN is the big challanger...

2009-08-10 22:09:56 | comments (4)

Six latvian elite teams are ready to take part in Latvian Open 2009 - "Cel Tik/Lekrings", "Rubene", "FK Valmiera", FK Bauska", "Rīgas Lauvas" and "SK Pārgauja". Last day to register your team - 14th of August. Limit of men teams - 20!

2009-07-31 23:56:31 | comments (0)

14th of august is the last day, to make the registration for Latvian Open 2009! Already 14 men and 8 women teams are ready to take part in biggest floorball summer event in Baltics!

2009-07-22 21:53:09 | comments (2)

For the first time in short Latvian Open history we will have a team from Switzerland. "Red Lions Frauenfeld" is the seventh abroad team, and definately not the last. Some of the latvian floorball girls surely remember the city Frauenfeld very well :) Viel Spaß und Glück beim Turnier Alpenland!

2009-07-22 21:09:14 | comments (0)

We are very happy to announce a team from Poland. "Zielonka" is the fifth strongest team in polish extraleague.

2009-07-21 19:59:11 | comments (0)

At Latvian Open 2009 everybody will have a chance to beat the magical WR shot speed of 188 km/h! The one, who will reach the highest shot speed during tournament, will receive the brand new "Canadien ICS" floorball stick, given by floorball equipment distributor "LINO.LV".

2009-07-07 18:04:10 | comments (1)

For the first time in tournament history, we will have a quite exotic guests. Lithuanian men floorball national team has decided to come to Latvian Open 2009! Good luck to the neighbours!

2009-07-01 20:06:06 | comments (0)

More and more teams are registrating for playing in "Latvian Open 2009".

2009-06-29 19:00:24 | comments (3)

For the third time will happen tournament "Latvian Open 2009" from 21st until 23rd of August in Koceni and Valmiera, Latvia. The tournament has become a largest summer event in floorball in Latvia. 

latvianopen atbalsts 2009 valmiera kocēni voc ksk puma precisionfloorball jaunā saule multiklubs

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